Sir Toppin Hat

This little guy ended up with the name Sir Toppin Hat after my wife saw me sketching him and said that should be his name. When I was making him I was just focused on recreating the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland as a human. Lately I’ve been playing around with scale and proportion when sketching out characters. With this sketch I continued to push my proportions in the design to see how far I can go with the balance of large and small features.


Here’s a drawing of a character that I’ve affectionately named Clarence. He started as a warmup sketch and ended up as something that makes me smile.


Lad Davis

This is a portrait I painted of my Grandfather for his birthday. It’s another in my growing portfolio of iPad art. I’m determined to prove to people that real art can be created with an iPad.





This was a warm up sketch I did today and I thought the end results were quite nice.