Some shots from a current work project.

This is from a project I’m currently working on. I’m really proud of the way this project is turning out. Everything went from concept art to what you see here in just a two week span. There were three of us working on the art side for this thing. I did the original concept work and the environment modeling. Justin did the character models. Then Diana, Justin, and myself tackled all of the UV mapping, lighting, and texturing and BOOM we have a pretty neat start here.



My digital painting for the evening. I originally wanted to call this one “plbbbbt!” but I figured that would be more difficult to say.Image

Well Done Warrior (WiP)

I purchased my first Cintiq this week and I wanted to try it out the day it arrived. Here is my progress so far. I would’ve waited until I finished the background but I was so excited about the way it was turning out I had to share sooner.
