Zombie Bellhop

Here’s some playblasts of the zombie rig from hotel transylvania. It’s a fun little rig to play with. I’ll keep adding animations here as I continue to experiment with the rig.

Animations for Anxiety

These are clips from the child section that I designed and animated for the Anchor’s Away: Anxiety at Bay app that in used to treat children with childhood anxieties. The app is currently in clinical testing, but I’m so happy with what our team has accomplished with this one.


Animation Test.

This is an animation test to see how quickly I can put stuff together in Adobe Character Animator. I saw someone on my Instagram stories posted about finding an unnamed waterfall. They asked what the name should be. Within the hour I responded with this, naming it Frank.

Working on Something Big.

I’m working on something that I’m going to put out into the world as quickly as I can, but I’ve made enough progress I thought that I would share some images with you all now.

I’ll explain the concept thoroughly when it is closer to being released. For now just enjoy some beautiful images.


Does it pay to be Assertive?

Here are some clips from my animations for a project on passive, aggressive, and assertive behavior. It’s about learning to be assertive and stand up for yourself in tough situations without being too aggressive. For you can read more about my character development process here.

On another note, because I work in both 2D and 3D I really like blending the two together to produce final pieces. My friend and former professor Tina O’Hailey has a textbook about doing just that. If it’s a subject that interests you I highly recommend checking it out the book is called Hybrid Animation: Integrating 2D and 3D Assets. It’s a great resource for a 2D/3D workflow in a few different software packages.

More Character Designs


This is for another lesson in the program that I posted the doorman scenario from earlier. To complete these I start my concept in Adobe Photoshop and then finalize everything in Adobe Illustrator. I get the design nailed down in Photoshop quickly. In Illustrator beyond making nice clean vector images I have to make all of the little pieces I’m going to be swapping in between during the final animation. Once I do that I am able to begin my After Effects animation. You could do this much better in Animate CC using symbol libraries and such, but I had a very short amount of time to complete this and I knew I could accomplish a similar result much quicker with this particular workflow.
